Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all as today is my birthday! Yay!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

I'm Back! Sorry I haven't been on lately, it just goes to show you how good I am at procrastinating. It is such a bad habit! Now that it's May, only 24 days until my birthday. Until then, here are some shots during my time in collage in September.

In New Haven, CT where my collage was, there were a lot of interesting machines, like this articulated CT Transit bus, as I like to call it, an 'accordion bus.'



A Connecticut D.O.T. Ford F150
Another type of bus that the CT transit uses is the hybrid electrical powered bus, like this one.
While I went on a hike, I spotted this Ford Transit taxi, used by Metro Taxi in New Haven.
At one of the New Haven Plazas, a Fritos chip Mercedes drops off Sun Chips at a nearby Subway restaurant.
An equipment transporter Kenworth passes by my campus.